2014 Best Toys to Inspire Adventure


We are all about adventure around here. That’s what makes childhood and life for that matter memorable.
Here are 2104 best toys to inspire adventure:
1-Razor power rider 360- this little baby can move. As seen on Ellen show this is available at Target for $150

2-Flying Hot wheels car- I’ve never seen a remote control flyer fly this well. It’s light weight so it can go high and pretty far. Target $60

3-Strider bike- great for kids just learning to ride a bike there are no pedals and No training wheels. It teaches them balance so they can easily transition to a pedal bike with out ever using training wheels. Amazon score $80 regularly $140

5-Boomer the Remote control dinosaur- this little guy dances and makes noises if you chase him he will chase you back. It’s like having a real dinosaur as a loving pet. $79 Amazon

6-GigaBall- who doesn’t want to roll around in a giant inflatable ball. I can imagine races happening with these bad boys. $40 Target

Happy shopping!

What would you add to this list? Comment below.